Let me start by wishing all my friends and family a belated 4th of JULY...hopefull you all were out enjoying time with your loved ones and celebrating our FREEDOM which I am so thankful for....we were able to soak in the sun and enjoy yummy BBQ by the pool all day with some of my sisters and fam..than Daddy Eli was our Firework Maestro right at our home in our driveway along with our whole block going crazy with the fireworks..it was a long,but FUN day....haven't uploaded my pics yet,and am blogging from work ( I know, bad me) so I'll post up some pics of our FUN day later on tonite and share.....
Back to the QUESTION at hand......Since the first time I went in to confirm my pregnancy I was told that my due-date was 29JUL, I take blame for that because when the nurse asked me when the first day of my last P was, i just randomly threw out a date, but I chuckled because the 29th is the same day my last son Zion was born...anyhoo...the next visit was my first official ultra-sound and after measurements were taken, my due-date than became the 14th of Aug..I was stoked because my best-friend Carol from Minnesota was born on that day and I shot her a email telling her right away....well a couple of months later, I had another ultra-sound done to confirm the sex and due to different measurements the due-date was now showing to back in JUL again, this time the 28JUL...well, we're here at the 9th month of my pregnancy and my Dr. just told me to pick a C-sec day antime between the 3Aug to 8Aug...so can anyone take a wild GUESS in which date I chose????? You got it.....08/08/08....YEAH!!!!!!!! my eldest son was born on 2/22/02....so I think it'll be FUN...plus my neighbor friend, Elaine was telling me that in the Chinese custom/traditions, the number 8 is a very GOODLUCK number...so I was more stoked....not that I'm superstituous in anyway!!! So there you have it, unless my water breaks ealrier or my body speaks to me earlier,that is the DAY we shall welcome our 3rd son....YEAH!!!!!! no more ??????? in my mind!!! Good Day!
well, you know, July 30 is a really good date too! hint hint.....wow another leo for you!! That should be fun to strong minded leo boys you will have!! You know the Leo's!! Well, love the honesty of your blogs! Keep it positive and smile!! much luv, MB
That's great news Kathi!!!
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