It's been exactly 2 weeks from today since our new addition to our family arrived..to be exact he was born on Aug 4th at 1:04pm, weighing in at 7lbs 14 oz and 19 inches tall....my heaviest baby thus far but my shortest baby.....words cannot explain the JOY after seeing his face for the first time...Eli and I definitely couldn't hold back the tears, it's as if it was the first time again...For all you parents out there, I'm sure you can agree! Just in these past 2 weeks, I've been quite busy, getting used to baby's hours,tending to my other 2 boys and at the same time trying to take care of myself..being that it was a C-section, I've been having to tend to my stitches and making sure that I don't over-exert myself etc....so hence the reason for not blogging in a while...but I woke up this morning and felt a bit of calmness and feel a whole lot better physically, I decided to BLOG a bit and introduce you all to our 3rd blessing....His full name is Si'uoSamoa Elijah Jr. Wilson..he is named after Eli's only brother and of course his middle name is after his proud papa!! So this is our first child that actually has a Samoan name and after a family member, so it's a good thing, plus we all love Uncle Si'u...we've been kinda calling him by the nickname Spud...and also Si'u..so we'll see what sticks....Uncle Si'u was an avid basketball player in his younger days and I was told that him and all his friends went by nicknames,usually an NBA player, so Uncle Si'u's nickname was Spud...after the Basketball player Spud Webb! So that's kinda how we got that nickname....well here's a variety of pictures of our newest lil' angel...I'm so grateful to my Heavenly Father for blessing us with yet another beautiful,healthy lil' boy.....Thank You!
Congrats KAT!! Welcome baby Si'uoSamoa!! I Love his name, it's nice to have a family name with such meaning! He is so handsome! I was so happy to see your post! I read from Jen that you had the baby. I also have a post for you to check out..I gave you an award! Check it out when you have time~ Congrats again and I hope you will continue to feel stronger and that you recover well!
How cute!! All three boys!! How are the boys adjusting?? Are they like your best little helpers?? Congrats...though it will take me a long time to even remember how to pronounce his name!! Congrats again...tight two leos in your family...strong personalities for sure!! Let me know if there is anything I can do for ya all! Mike
CONGRATS ....kat...
awwwwhhhh he is so adorable ...!!! I kept checking your blog to see!!! well you did good ...you have 3 beautiful boys! ...who knows maybe it's all boys from here on out !! or maybe later down the road there will be girls in our future!! I know it's hard adjusting to 3 ...especially in the beggining stages! but i'm glad you i finally got to met our nephew and what a handsome little boy!!!! take care kathy ....we all LOVE you and your growing little family!!!!
Siuosamoa!! He really is just the cutest!! I can't wait to have mine.
The pics are cute..but nothing like the real thing...we'll try and come this week....
luv ya
He's so cute.....I almost forgot that you had a baby.... It must be baby season cuz ever1's having them except us....lol anyways we pray for you every time we go to the temple.....Well hope to see him soon.
What a beatiful family you have! I hope this post finds you well. I've thought of you several times over the years and never made it far enough to look you up. It just so happened tonight that I was browsing and you came to mind again, so I figured what would I have to lose? You and I attended Jr. High school together and I lived next door to your aunt and uncle in New Hope. You probably don't remember me as I'm certain you meet more people than you care to remember- but I figured I'd drop you a line anyway. I would love to hear from you if you have time iluv2stamp2@gmail.com. Hope to hear from you- Shar Noriega (Sharlanda Hayes)
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