Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
This Day came Waaaaay Too Soon...

Thursday, October 9, 2008
Dedicated to my Sister Elizabeth..

CANCER SURVIVOR In 1994 my dear sister Elizabeth at the young age of 22 years old was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. A true Breast Cancer Survivor, with her pure Faith in God she is still with us today. She eventually had her breast removed and has been in remission since. She was told by doctors at the time that she would not be able to bear children, yet has now borne 5 healthy children.Anessa, Alema, Tai,Teancum and Abi. As her older sister, I look up to her like no other...at the time of the terrible news, I remember crying wondering to myself why couldn't it have been ME instead of LIZ....All my life growing up knowing her, she was never one to get in any kind of trouble, she was very obedient to our parents and she could never do anyone wrong,even if she tried...so as we were told that she may only have a year or even a few months to live,I can't tell you how scared I felt at that time and sad,being that she was sooo young,was just recently engaged to marry her current husband Marky,I truly wanted to switch places with her..I know she credits her survival from a very special distinct blessing that was given her from our grandfather Iohani and what she has shared with us is that immediately following the blessing that was given her,she had complete Faith that she would be healed from this awful cancer..I admire her for her pure Integrity and her willingness to always be there for me regardless of her own circumstances or what she may have been going through and as I've watched the news and read different articles that have highlighted and reminded women all over the world about October being Breast Cancer Awareness month I had to dedicate a special Blog to one in our own immediate family that has conquered this terrible cancer....my Sweet Loving sister...Elizabeth Fatai... I thank my Heavenly Father for sparing her life that she is still with us and has been one of the greatest blessings in so many ways...her devotion to her family,her church,her God is a strength to me personally and as I see how she handles herself with her so called Handicap (one breast) it amazes me how she remains humble and greatful that she is still living and was able to bear 5 Healthy children...3 girls and 2 boys...may you continue to live a long,healthy and prosperous life sis....you will always be an example to me of someone who could've gave up but instead perservered through the many surgeries and I'm sure personal questions and trials that you had to have been going through as a young woman at the time,I could only imagine ...but now I see how the Lord has blessed you and your ever growing family...and you still have never forgotten the Lord in your life...You represent all of the above...HOPE,FAITH,LOVE,COURAGE and STRENGTH...I love you Sis...and for all my sisters and friends out there.....GO GET YOUR MAMMOGRAM!!!!Early Detection is KEY!!
Ofa Lahi Atu, Katharine
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Here Goes Mike!!! 99 things about MUAH!!!! I GOT TAGGED!
98. I was married at 19 after only knowing him for 2 weeks..it lasted for 12 years..sorry to say (well maybe not sorry) but it did end in a civil divorce.
97. I will always remember my 3rd grade teacher..Mrs Acre at Meadowlark Elementary School in good ole' Rosepark.
96. One of my fondest memories as a little child living in Rosepark was Halloween and how we would just run rampid for blocks and blocks to the wee hrs without adult supervision. (wouldn't dare do that now)but we had pillow cases loaded with CANDY....
95. I have 2 middle names...Teresa Leilani..I was the first girl to arrive after 5 boys so instead of causing bitterness between the 2 families (Wolfgramm/Tavo) I was named after an aunty from each family.
94. I hate to be called Kathi..Call me either Kat or Katharine
93. I was a very spoiled child..atleast that's what I was told!!!but that didn't stop me from
92. Getting punched in the nose by my oldest brother Leroy at the age of 8 and
91. Getting B-slapped by my younger sister Jen when I was 17 in Tonga....I think my Dad witnessed it and had instant reflex and slapped her right after she slapped me...I was sooo caught off guard but it's sooo funny to me now...LOL!!
90. I attended Primary when it was on Tuesday's and mostly walked the long stretch to the chapel alone.
89. I was a regular hula girl at the Hawaiian Inn Restaurant (east side) starting at the age of 4 or 5.
88. I've always been attracted to BAD BOYS....don't know why..
87. My all time favorite actor is Mel Gibson...and for some reason I've been really attracted to
Cole Hauser and Shia Lebauf lately.(is that wrong of me?)
86. I prefer my hair straight versus curly.makes my face look smoother!hee hee...
85. I never thought I would ever have children..but lo and behold..I've got 3 handsome boys and not yet 40...Someone was looking out for me for sure....Thanks!Never say Never...is what I say.
84. I used to be a chain-smoker...Marlboro lights..non-menthol or menthol whichever was on sale. proud to say I've been smokefree since 2004...Be Smart..Don't Start!!!
83. I've always wanted to live in New York..up until I met my current husband, I was in the final plans of putting in my transfer to work at Laguardia Airport and room with a girlfriend of mine...I guess that wasn't meant to be..
82. I've always been somewhat of a worry-wart.
81. I'm turned off by people who are RUDE or come off as a KNOW-IT-ALL!
80. I picked up a hitchhiker in Minnesota and dropped him off somewhere (can't remember)
79. At a very low point in my life..I would consume bottles and bottles of Strawberry Hill and of course cases of Miller Highlife Beer and every other cocktail that they were serving in the clubs..
78. When we lived in Canada..I witnessed a lady commit suicide by jumping off a bridge and landing in the windshield of a car that was right near the restaurant where we had a Polynesian Revue show..(might be odd, but I was never traumatized by that event)
77. I tend to over analyze...gotta be the Virgo in me...not a good thing.
76. When I lived in San Jose (near San Francisco) I was a Karaoke junkie.
75. I have 3 tatoos - one behind my ear...one on the back of my neck and one on my left arm.
74. Something I regret and definitely NOT proud of...Driving while Intoxicated..many a time..I really feel like I had an angel protecting me alot during my crazy/lost times in my life. I always made it to my destination without killing me or anyone else and have never been issued a DUI.
73. I was homeless for about 3 months...sleeping in my car or motel to motel...(Bay Area days)
72. Have been employed with the same company United for 13 years going on 14 this upcoming Mar...
71. I share my employment anniversary with my lil' brother Mika and Jaylynn's wedding anniversary..March 6th!!!
70. I have a brother who could be Mos Def's twin....literally...seriously....
69. I'm an avid Wheel of Fortune watcher...in fact I can spend hrs and hrs watching GSN live..
68. I'm afraid of HEIGHTS
67. and deathly afraid of SPIDERS
66. I only wear sterling silver...don't do gold...and love pearls...probably more than diamonds..
65. One of my pet peeves are dry elbows...PUT LOTION on your elbows.....urg!
64. Another is when you're in a public restroom and you witness someone leave without washing their hands..YUCK!C'mon folks..get wit it...
63. When the movie Titanic came out...I watched it 11 times in the theatres.
62. Not much of a Fiction reader..more of a Non-Fiction reader and love love reading Auto-Biography's of people.
61. Love watching the National Geographic channel as well as the Discovery Channel.
60. Just became a Big fan of Tyler Perry movies...
59. Good Will Hunting is still one of my all time favorite movies next to BraveHeart!
58. I was left at a gas station bathroom when I was just 6 or 7 yrs old. (By accident of course) what can you say..with 8 kids at the time...I'm sure my parents heads were spinning most of the time.
57. My first crush in Jr high was a boy named Greg Foster. (Hosterman Jr. High in Brooklyn Park, MN.)
56. My favorite sport to watch is Basketball,Volleyball than Football....
55. I Love to play Volleyball..
54. Hey Mike..we have something in common..I used to live in the Washington,D.C area too...YAY..such a beautiful area...especially towards Virginia..so green..
53. My best friend Carol and I pricked our thumbs with a pin and mixed our blood together to become blood sisters..my dad found out somehow and he scolded me so bad saying that only the Mafia does such things...I was only 14 I think...
52. I consider myself low maintenance.
51. I've always wanted an older sister.
50. My grandfather Equasi who was a heavy smoker,visited us from Tonga one year and being my little curious self,I tried lighting up one of his Moore cigs in our family motorhome and caught the curtain on fire..I think it was Rudy who helped me put it out and no one ever knew how it originally happened.I was prolly 7 yrs old.
49. I love watching re-runs of 'Brady Bunch'..it takes me back to a place where life was so simple and stress free.
48. I love the colors green,brown and different shades of red
47. Fall is my favorite season, Winter is my least favorite.
46. It remains a mystery to me how some people cannot smell that their breath smells and tend to always talk to you even closer than normal...I JUST DON'T GET IT...
45. I had a nose ring piercing...shortly after my grandpa Iohani's funeral I decided to take it out.
44. I've had 6 of my teeth extracted in one dental visit...wasn't fun at all...
43. I've had the honor and privilege of checking in (at my work, of course) a few great men...Dieter Uchdorff, Russell M. Nelson and Dallin H. Oaks....
42. I love Dark Chocolate.
41. I'm definitely a Nite-Owl therefore
40. I'm definitely not an Early Bird!!!
39. I'm not superstituous but for some reason I always put my index finger on my lips and wave
it in the air whenever I drive over railroad tracks..I think it's something I do out of habit more than anything...
38. Whenever I'm kind of depressed or having a rough day..I love to play a CD with all my faves on it. somehow gets me in a better mood..or I just plop in "MY SISTERS" and that usually helps me too.
37. A few places I would love to visit before I die would be Rome,Italy..Dublin,Ireland and The Great Wall of China in Beijing
36. I'm still a Big XTC fan....something about their melodies....
35. I've rode the New York Subway all by myself from Brooklyn to China Town and Manhattan/Tribeca area. a few times....
34. A Celebrity that is annoying to me..uummmmmm..Paris Hilton,sorry guys that's the first person who popped into my mind as being annoying.
33. I can't stand seeing any pubic hair on my soap or any hair in the shower drain.it gives me the heebee geebees...
32. My husband shares his birthday with PRINCE..
31. I once walked alone at night all the way down Pali Highway in Hawaii,not knowing that it's known as one of the most dangerous areas to walk alone especially at night...supposedly there's ghost sightings there alot and many people have been murdered along that hwy with no reasonable explanation...I would've never done that, but I was kicked out of the car by my ex-and he never came back to pick me up...I swear I believe there was a guardian angel watching over me....
30. First celebrity sighting where I was star-struck was eating at the same restaurant as Sandra Bernhardt and Bo from Days of our Lives...
29. I love the smell of cement after it has just rained on it....
28. One of my biggest regrets is...plucking my eyebrows.
27. I truly feel blessed to have 9 sisters and 7 brothers...
26. I've changed everyone's diaper from Mika down to Tiare...yup...it's true..lol!
25. One goal that I'm forever proud of accomplishing...is that of going through the Temple.
24. It's also my favorite place to be. I sometimes wish I can stay in there forever...and never come out...
23. I was a victim in a Discrimination/Work Harrassment case along with another co-worker in which we won the case.
22. I only like the Strawberry Twizzlers, never the Cherry Twizzlers.
21. I celebrated my 16th birthday at Ricks College in Idaho...
20. I fantasized about dating one of the Menudo boys back in the day!!!
19. Oh and also Donnie Wahlberg from NKOTB!
18. Love the Pittsburgh Steelers!!!
17. When I was 5 or 6 yrs old I was in a car accident with my mother driving and split my tongue in half by slamming into the gears..thought I would have to get stitches but the Dr. told me the tongue will heal all on it's own...thank goodness he was right.
16. I never got to go to Jr. or High School Prom..
15. I've worked at Target... El Torito's and as a maid at the Marriott Residence Inn
14. One of my recent goals I've set for myself is to be more involved with humanitarian efforts and service projects...
13. I'm a teacher in my Relief Society..still a tad nervous,but so far I love it and am learning and growing alot. Love my Ward Sisters....
12. I'm afraid of the unknown...particularly my children's futures and what may be in store for them.whether good or bad.
11. If I never give birth to a daughter, I look forward to meeting my future daughter-in-laws...
10. One thing that has always rattled my brain are...Conspiracy Theory's! Is there really such a thing???
9. I used to hate PULP in Orange Juice now that's the only way I'll drink it...
8. I only order and eat PLAIN cheeseburgers at McDonalds. of course with a side of fries.
7. My 2 favorite soft drinks are Mountain Dew and Dr. Pepper,depends on what mood I'm in.
6. My blood type is O positive.
5. Sometimes I wish all of my immediate brothers and sisters and mom and dad lived in the same state.
4. I'm terrible at organizing and I'm not that good of a cook.
3. After giving birth to 3 boys I have gained a new found respect for my mother who literally bore 17 children and you would never know it if you were to meet her in person...love you mom
2. I'm more of an Optimist than a Pessimist.
1. I'm most proud and blessed to be a member of the only True Restored Gospel on this earth...The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints..
Whew.....now that was a hard tag..it literally took me 2 days to finish it..I had to brain-storm and at my age it usually ends up giving me a migraine..ha!ha! LOL!!! That was FUN.....