Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Always a FUN time going to the Dentist!

Kingston's visit to the dentist today was a success, after complaining about a sore tooth last week,I took him in and it wasn't a cavity..it's just that his permanent teeth are already growing in at the root..so they had to extract his front tooth,after all was said and done his dentist said he was absolutely great,when he told KIngston that he was gonna get a dose of laughing gas, Kingston actually started laughing,it was too funny but it hecka worked and now that we've been home for all but an hour he's been holding his lil' green treasure case that has his 1 tooth in it, ready to put under his pillow case tonite...wow kids and the tooth fairy....I just know that he's got $$$$ signs on his mind!!! Well, I had to post these few picks and the best one of all is of his brother ZION, who got to chill in the Gorilla/Safari room watching Finding Nemo as we waited... he was having a blast!!hopefully he'll be just as excited when I take him in for his first appointment 07Jul....he'll prolly never wanna go back!!!LOL! Otay...just wanted to blog about our lil' trip to the Dentist!


Jen said...

I never thought about taking pics of my kids at the dentist...so glad Kingston handled it well. I'm a little scared of taking Talia in for a real dental visit..we took her in for a cleaning..but I know the real work needed for her mouth will just CRUSH her happy thoughts of the dentist!! I hoping they'll just rot and fall out without too much pain...and she can begin anew with her permanent teeth.....oh..zion looks too cute on that chair!

Anonymous said...

I remember going to the dentist at this age with mom....and hearing Mali bawl so loud....I can still taste the pasty solution they put in ur mouth to numb ur whole face. it tasted like medicine half bubble gum....ewe...lol

Lyla And Company! said...

Kat, as far as the TAG game you take the questions I answered and then you answer them...that's all!! If you do it I hope you have fun!!!