I've always admired Sheila E. for her raw,natural talent and she still amazes me til' this day...One of my fondest memories of her family, was when we were doing a radio show in the Oakland, CA area and Sheila E's mom called in to the radio station and invited our family over for dinner....we all went of course..and were fortunate to meet her mom and sister..but Sheila was on tour or out of town, I can't recall, but it seemed like our families just connected so naturally, and they were all so down to earth....We finally did meet Sheila E. in Minneapolis at the Minnesota Music Awards and of course at Prince's Chanhassen Studio's..Paisley Park! She's just as beautiful in person as she is in her photo's..very petite lil' gal! When my sis Lei called me yesterday and asked if I was up to going, I was like..it is ON like DONKEY KONG!!!! So I managed to get off work and we're headed to the Salt Lake Jazz Festival...Kids and all to have a fun night with the Escovedo's.......This is a pic with her brother Juan and father Pete Escovedo who will be performing with her! Isn't she just gorgeous!!!!I will take photo's, and post them late tomorrow evening! that's if they'll allow camera's.....YAY!!!! I'm going to a CONCERT!!!!LOL!
sounds like fun!!! lucky you !! can't wait to see pic's ...HAVE FUN!!
ya im excited too to go to the concert. I've never seen her live but always wanted to. Ya I'll get to take a peek into your generation. LOL. Anyways we'll see you there tomorrow.
Yes, I'm way excited...and to think I thought no one would be interested and I've know she was playing there for a week now, and I casually mentioned it to Lei and Mika yesterday if they wanted to go with me....then Lei called everyone and I'm excited everyone is going!! Didn't know everyone admired her like me!! It will be so much fun..plus it will be good to see ya!! Oh don't forget Debby Boone is performinng to..."You Light Up My Life"...did you sing that or was that Liz?? .well, I'll be sure to keep you posted too on upcoming concerts..I wanna go see Belinda Carlise, ABC, Human League, Dead or Alive and Naked Eyes on August 7...Love blasting to the past!!.See ya tomorrow!!...Mike
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