Yep, it's just about 2:30 AM......going on my 3rd night of Insomnia!!! had to get up and do something to settle my mind....so here goes my after-midnight BLOG!!!
Forgive me if I sound like I'm totally dreamy or hallucinating, I am a bit sleep-deprived but nevertheless I feel the urge to BLOG!!!!
Entering my 9th month of Pregnancy, and now wanting more than ever to touch and hold my new lil' one...Besides the obvious physical ailments that I'm going through, the emotional anticipation of greeting yet another special spirit from heaven has been heavy on my mind...Having been through 2 other pregnancies,both which were very different (1st a Vaginal, 2nd a C-section) yet very memorable and joyful experiences, I have my typical worries with this new addition...of course, my AGE (closer to 40) and just finding out from my last Dr's visit that due to the rapid growth in weight of this lil' guy that the V-sec (vaginal birth after a C-sec) is now out of the question..too high of a percentage of the baby getting stuck in the birth canal, me possibly hemorrhaging to death, or affecting the baby in several different ways,that he's just not willing to take that risk...So that has weighed a bit on my mind..I of course have decided to go with the Dr's orders( expertise/knowledge )...I've been very fortunate and blessed to have a couple of brothers that live near by that have always been available at my request for a Priesthood Blessing prior to each of my children, so I know that will bring me the Peace and Comfort that will take the edge off what I've been feeling...
So before I end for the night, I need to atleast VENT a little.......and if you're super sensitive or have no sense of Humor than this is where you need to stop reading...LOL!!!
* I just love the fact that I've tipped the scale over the 200 lb mark!(being that my other 2 pregs i was 191 lbs ON the Delivery Table!
* I just love the fact that I have a 6yr old that is already bored of summer and a 2 yr old
that still wants me to hold him!
* I just love the fact that I have a husband walking around PAIN-FREE and hasn't offered
once to give me a foot massage!
* I just love the fact that I've grown these beautiful array of purple/lavender/green shades of
vericose veins on my left calf area (very sexy)!
* I just love the fact that every time I have to get in or out of the car, it takes me going through
this whole breathing apparatus session, and deciding which leg I should land on first because
they both go through their stages of wanting to cramp up wherever and whenever!
* I just love the fact that I feel like I have a 24/7 stuffy nose/cold!
* I just love the fact that regardless of knowing what I should and should-not eat, I eat the latter!!! for some reason this baby wins for Mommy being #1 Sweet-Tooth!!
and DRUM ROLL PLEEEEEEEZE!!!!!!!! last but not least............
* I absolutely LOVE the fact that whether I sneeze, cough,laugh,or make any sudden movements......there goes my Bladder!!!!
This did me good, I'm already yawning and my eyes are ready to Shut!!!A little Sarcasm is always good!!! I guess I just made up my mind to blog a bit more on my last month of being Prego...so I shall Blog in the near future on my thoughts and feelings til baby #3 arrives!
I hope and pray all goes well for your delivery. I hope you will get some sleep soon! It gets so uncomfortable though... so I really
feel ya! It makes you really, really grateful for what our moms had to go through for each of us! Keep eating bananas for those cramps and water helps too! I have those ugly veins too! The bladder problems, oh and the SWEET cravings too! Sheesh I wish I was only 200 lbs. Thanks for sharing your midnight post...lol! You are beautiful and wonderful Kat! I can't wait to see your newest handsome little one!
Smile, your almost there!
hey kat,..cute blog. Another c-section is probably worrying you,..just think..I had 4...its scary,..but if you have a good doctor you can trust,.all will go well. I'm almost wondering if you'll have the baby way ahead of schedule, being that it is so big....
Your 'venting' was funny...teach Kingston how to massage. I've been bribing my kids to massage my legs and feet everyday I get off work...ahhhhh feels so good. If you need one really bad...call me..I'll come over.
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